Room 202 braved three modes of public transportation (MUNI, BART, and AC Transit) on a beautiful, sunny winter day and visited Cafe Ohlone’s latest outdoor restaurant space, called ‘oṭṭoytak, on the UC Berkeley campus. Students met with the Ohlone chefs and activists Vincent Medina and Louis Trevino, who shared their languages, basketry, history, instruments, native plants, and family stories. We learned a song in Chochenyo and played an Ohlone game with sticks very similar to one we played together during our last cooking class of the year.
No matter how many points each table got while playing the game, everyone got a special treat to end the sesssion: rosehip and elderflower tea served with chia and black walnut brownies. Thank you, Cafe Ohlone, for hosting us and modeling the thriving Indigenous past, present, and future.