In the classroom this week we read Dolores Huerta: A Hero to Migrant Workers. We learned about her early experiences as a schoolteacher that fueled her activism, her many arrests for nonviolent acts of civil disobedience, her coining the rallying cry “¡Si, se puede!,” and her role in organizing farmworkers and establishing the labor union that is now called the United Farm Workers. We learned Huerta is 94 years old, has a social justice foundation in her name, and that a public elementary school in San Francisco was re-named for her in 2018.
In the kitchen we made a classic Mexican farm breakfast, huevos rancheros, in celebration of Huerta’s and her students’ Mexican roots. Students warmed corn tortilas, made pico de gallo, and fried eggs to order. This was a complicated recipe with a lot of components, but everyone worked together to put together a visually stunning and truly satisfying meal!